We are working to ensure better life outcome for street kids across different location in Nigeria.
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About us

Street kids are often with parents who're not in the positions to nurture them. Either because they're physically challenged or have extreme financial limitations.

As a result of these limitations, their grossly underage kids, sometimes as young as 5 years olds are left homeless — wandering miles around dangerous streets, begging for alms for their survival and that of their parents.

They get raped, are regularly hit by vehicles, hardly feed well, battle curable diseases and face many other nightmares for a child or any human at all.

We exist to give these children an alternative to this misery-A chance at a normal life.

The Oasis Academy (TOSA)

Our kids come from a peculiar sphere of life and that cannot be ignored. This is why we have established an institution of learning which takes that into account. At The Oasis Academy, rehabilitated kids are taught using unconventional methods which are specially tailored to meet their needs. Most street kids can only yearn for formal education, we bring that hope to life.

Empower Me

When you take a mother off the streets, her 6 children follow suit.  Given this fact, we create projects centered around the empowerment of street parents. Our skill acquisition program is suited for both abled and handicapped parents to benefit. We also provide financial support to enable them to begin businesses that serve to sustain them afterward.

Creative Hub

While we understand the heights which can be achieved through formal education, experience has also revealed to us the potentials which are bared when kids are given the opportunity to express other aspects of themselves. These are what we seek to harness. At the hub, kids are exposed to skills which range from handiworks to creative arts and even ICT. After an extensive period of learning at the hub, students get to showcase their creations at a fixed exhibit time.

Come join us

There is no exercise better for the hearts than reaching down and lifting people up

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One person can make all the difference for a child across the globe SUPPORT, DONATE TO FEED & EDUCATE

We work hard to give street kids in Africa a chance at a future through rehabilitation, formal and informal education and planned exposure, regardless of their background, religion, or nationality.

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A little will go a long way to changing small worlds that will grow to influence more worlds

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